Osseodensification Training Course
Osseodensification Training Course
Densah Bur 逆轉 即時回朔 「移動骨頭 不拿除骨頭」來緻密 鬆質骨;可以大大 提升植牙/造骨的成功率、增加植體初級穩定度~它可以應用在 localized sinus lift, ridge expansion, immediate implantation, molar septum expansion, guided expansion graft etc. 等術式讓大手術變成微創手術、病患術後癒合較舒服…
• Review biomechanical, histological, and long-term clinical evidence of Osseodensification
• Learn and practice the Clinical Versatility of Osseodensification:
o Sub-Crestal Sinus Lift
o Lateral Ridge Expansion
o Immediate Implant Placement with OD
o Guided Expansion Graft (2-Stage Approach)
o Universal Guided Surgery Protocol
• How can we preserve bone, plastically expand it, and enhance its strength in a controlled method
• The effect of Osseodensification on implanttotal stability development for early and immediate loading
• Risk assessment and avoiding complications
• Hands-on practical training utilizing actual bone specimens and simulation models
- Introduction of Osseodensificaiton
- Paper Review
Osseodensifcation on Pig Tibia with Densah Burs
- Facilitated Ridge Expansion Protocol & Guided Expansion
- Graf tFacilitated Densah bur Sinus Lift Protocols I~III
Yummy lunch from a 5-stars hotel :p
Osseodensifcaiotn complication & prevention
- Sinus Lift Protocol I~III
- Ridge Expansion
- Immediate Implant Placement
- Molar Septum Expansion Protocol
- Guided Expansion Graft
- Q&A
- 類別: Implatantology
- 時間: 2022/3/20
- 地點: 台北張榮發國際會議中心
- 時間: 9:00~16:00
- 實體課程
- 報名費: 25000元
1. 實名制優惠卷,每人限用一次,無法與其他優惠合併使用
2. 優惠卷無法找零
3. 產品和高鐵票及住宿補助 請擇一使用
3.1 如選擇補助,請於課程”當天”提供發票憑證給現場人員,實報實銷當天退現金,課程結束後無法使用
3.2 發票請輸入統編 23194921
4. 優惠卷效期為一周,一周後即失效 依照優惠卷截止日期
5. 優惠卷無法折抵貨款
6. 優惠卷限Versah產品使用
3a 非常願意聆聽各學員寶貴的建議,如果有需要改進的地方,我們一定快速改善,維護您上課的權益